Tips For Making BlackBerry Modem

Tips For Making BlackBerry Modem

How do you make your favorite BlackBerry device into a modem?
The trick is easy, you just set your BlackBerry and follow the steps listed below. Here are tips to make your BlackBerry as a modem:

OS = Windows XP
Device = BlackBerry Bold 9000
(Might be for other specs)

You must run BlackBery Desktop Manager, then connect your laptop computer to the BlackBerry via a data cable available. BlackBery Desktop Manager can be obtained from the CD that accompanies the purchase of BlackBerry Original, or can be downloaded from the BlackBerry website.
Open the Control Panel in Windows, select Phone and Modem Options.
In the Phone and Modem Options, click the Modems tab
Click on the Standard Modem - COMxx. If you had another modem installed, then on the following modems are installed, may not only contain a modem Standard Modem. COMxx code is to describe the USB COM port number that the target of the relationship between computer / laptop with your BlackBerry. If you have to plug the data cable connection to one USB plug on your laptop computer, we then use the Blackberry modem can only be done on the USB plug when you install.
Click the Properties button.
In the Standard Modem Properties dialog box that appears new, click the Diagnostics tab.
Click the Query Modem
Note the information that appears, if your BlackBerry is connected properly, it will display information ATxx - Research In Motion BlackBerry IP Modem. If you have installed a lot of the modem, then the information that appears will be a lot according to the modem already installed. Ensure that Research In Motion BlackBerry IP Modem is in the information.
Still on the same dialog box, click the Advanced tab. Then in the Extra initialization commands, type the following code in accordance with the card provider: for Telkomsel:
AT + CGDCONT = 1, "IP", "Telkomsel" for XL:
AT + CGDCONT = 1, "IP", ""

for Indosat:
AT + CGDCONT = 1, "IP", "indosatgprs"

for AXIS/IM3/Smart/Esia/dll:
... .. I know belom
Click OK

Connection to the Internet via BlackBerry on your computer / laptop:

Open the Control Panel, select Network Connection
Click Create a new connection
In the New Connection Wizard dialog box, select Connect to the Internet
Click Next
Select Set up my connection manually
Click Next
Select Connect using a dial up modem
Click Next
Select the modem according to the initial setting (above) was the Standard Modem
Click Next
Write to the name of ISP (ISP Name), for example: My BlackBerry Modem
Click Next
Fill in Phone number with the number * 99 # or * 99 *** 1 #
Click Next
For Username and Passwoord not need to be filled.
Click Next
Click Finish
In the Control Panel - Network Connection, My BlackBerry Modem icon (as per the name you provide) can be moved or be send to the desktop, so easy when using it.

Running the BlackBerry as a modem

Run BlackBerry Desktop Manager
Connect your BlackBerry to your computer / laptop
Click the icon My Blackberry Modem that you created earlier
Click the Dial

well according to the above tutorial, please do your own practice

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