Tips Adding RAM to flash

Tips Adding RAM to flash

RAM (Random Access Memory) or often referred to as memory is an important part of a computer. RAM serves to store and process data can also be temporary or also called working storage,
which serves as a place meloading programs that we run. Be temporary because when the computer is turned off data will be lost. When we open an application / program then it will take up the capacity of RAM and a growing number of applications that we open (load) then it will be able to spend the capacity of the existing RAM. The result is that the computer can be a crash / hang. If it is so, we may lose the data that we have not had time to save on hard drive and the most annoying we have to reboot the computer and works starting from zero again.
To overcome this we usually add RAM by buying new RAM. For the deep pockets, it is not a significant problem for the pocket but instead thin it will be a separate issue because they have to spend money for it.

There may be more efficient solution, namely by optimizing the flash that we have to be used as RAM. Thus, we do not need to spend more money to add RAM. The next problem is whether it can be done? Can, using special software called eBoostr.
Installation Ebooster On Computers:
1. We must do the downloading of the software first. To do the download, please here .

2. Once the file we downloaded, double click the file eboostr.exe her up dialog appears as below.

3. Select the desired language (in this example I chose the Indonesian language), and then click OK until the next window.

4. Click the Advanced course to get a window that contains the product license, such as below.

5. Then click "I Agree" to a window will appear where we would put the installation files on the computer, such as below.

6. If you do not want to change, click the "advanced" course to get a window where we will put the application on the Start menu, as shown below.

7. Click "install" to start the installation eBoostr until the installation process a window will appear as below.

8. Wait until the installation process is complete. And when it is completed then we will find confirmation that window to finish the installation process the computer must be restarted.

9. Then select "reboot now" then click "finish". Make sure all applications have been closed and all the data we have stored on the hard disk.

10. After the restart means the installation is complete.
Running EBoostr

After the restart and the installation is complete, we can already use the application.
1. Run eBoostr manner [Start]>> [All Programs]>> select eBoostr Control Panel to be a window like below.

2. Click "add" on the menu on the right side up window will appear as below. Select or click the flash where will we make it as RAM.

3. Select OK and then wait a while because the computer is allocating File Chace on flasdisk, as below.

4. If it works then we will have two RAM, flash RAM and the RAM itself, as we saw in the window below.

5. Finish

With the added RAM, the read speed to be increased several fold, as we saw on the control panel on top.

Oh, yes if you want to stop the flash as RAM then the eBoostr control panel, click on the flash RAM and then click the "remove". Wrong!

After that, we will see only the RAM that the "original" are plasticity, such as below.

Download eboostr.exe

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